The four clans of the Nazeer Valley are fighting. Each clan is the guardian of a relic bestowed upon them by the gods. The clans guard these relics jealously, for their legends tell that any wolf who controls all four of the relics shall become god-like in nature and immortal. For long the clans lived in relative peace. For if they all kept the relics separated, no wolf could take over. Will the hesitant peace remain, or will it be broken? The future of the wolves of the Nazeer valley is up to you.
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[style=border:1px solid black;height:355px;width:220px;background-color:#d2d2d2;overflow:auto;opacity:0.7;margin-bottom:6px;margin-left:-30px;][style=padding:8px;text-align:justify;] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum semper, mi eget convallis tristique, ipsum dui facilisis augue, vitae ornare tortor dolor eget odio. Morbi blandit arcu quis massa semper sed aliquet metus bibendum. Donec a rutrum orci. Aenean volutpat interdum fringilla. Sed id tortor magna. Aenean nibh orci, facilisis sed rutrum et, vestibulum et lacus. Nulla ac nisi massa, quis venenatis tortor. Fusce accumsan lectus eget orci fringilla in accumsan tellus commodo. Mauris vitae nisi nisl. Curabitur facilisis posuere orci a euismod. Vestibulum condimentum venenatis urna eu elementum. Sed fringilla porta dolor sed facilisis. Praesent rhoncus suscipit enim sed faucibus. Maecenas faucibus convallis lectus, non hendrerit ipsum ornare in. Nullam pulvinar posuere nisl ac blandit. Phasellus adipiscing sem lobortis sapien volutpat pretium.
Cras eget libero libero. Quisque euismod porta ligula, eget tempor sem aliquam at. Mauris at lorem ac ligula faucibus tincidunt. Suspendisse lacus ligula, faucibus quis tristique non, gravida sit amet metus. Donec iaculis, felis et aliquam pretium, tortor orci vestibulum dui, a accumsan neque orci laoreet tellus. Maecenas pretium iaculis auctor. Nunc ac massa nisi.
Nullam et nisl leo. Ut feugiat leo posuere justo adipiscing tempus. Vestibulum at pulvinar nisl. Praesent pulvinar venenatis volutpat. Etiam ac massa at tortor tempor vehicula sed nec leo. Quisque volutpat iaculis augue. Donec elit elit, posuere sed cursus ut, pretium posuere purus. Suspendisse feugiat elementum mi, vitae cursus metus imperdiet in.